YM : drblegur@yahoo.com
SMS : 081802251926
Harga per code kami tawarkan sebesar Rp. 180.000,- khusus bagi peminat yang serius. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan langka ini.
Untuk cara penggunaannya ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini :
Step 1: Buy a CODE (from us)
Step 2: Validate your CODE
Visit the https://profile.ea.com/gamereg.do?locale= page and enter your new CODE into the box. This will secure your CODE so that no one else will be able to use it.
Step: 3 Create an EA Account
You will then be prompted to create an account with EA which will link yourself with your PC game. In this example, my Crysis CODE and the new account I made have been linked together.
Step: 4 GET the Game
On the activation confirmation page it will then ask you to download the EA Download Manager onto your computer. This software will enable you to download the game client/s that your CODE is assigned to for free. For example, if you purchased a Battlefield 2: Complete Collection CODE, it would automatically recongnise and begin downloading the original Battlefield 2 game plus all of the associated expansions and booster packs.
Step 5: Enjoy
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